Hypothetical Conclusions about the Disabled and Mind Reader The vision impaired, hearing impaired and intellectually disabled can telepathically or read/listen to data about customers/students/employees using mind reader. Meditation (20-80 utterances agreed to by the person) helps the person mentally articulate conclusions and connections. If they can form conclusions, then the system will detect them. The system doesn't need to know how they've thought them, just that they've thought them, but reasons can be asked for. Meditation prepares the person to answer the questions. Thoughts confirmed to announce are placed in a "public area". Usually, questions are on education-related topics such as writing algorithms, so answers to verify are straightforward. Often people will add reasons, change their mind, withdraw the answer, or stop or change the topic. If they change the subject, the system will have to ask what they would like to think about and finish off old thoughts later, sometimes abandoning scrapped projects, or doing something else about it. PHP should have a debugger (for the vision impaired as well), with Linux-style path auto-completion in commands. Screen readers should say, e.g. open P tag when reading HTML. Algorithm Writer should be used to bug check programs. An algorithm should be used to collect past debugging data, to help with debugging future bugs, where the algorithm could record the output from a debugging session and group data that achieves the correct result. People can live in simulations that they program by telepathically engaging with characters in them, with physical expression. People can't go to the world that is simulating them because that world can't create an organism from data in the simulation. If there wasn't so much data in the simulation to traverse in so little time, then the world could contact people in the simulation and communicate with them. However, the universes might have different properties, and they couldn't materialise to each other. Assimilation with aliens with a different backbone of life from our DNA might be possible using medicine. Time Machines should be manufactured to standards, with reliable batteries, medicine, codes of conduct and rules if many people time travel.